Thursday, January 12, 2012


I woke up this morning to a dusting of snow! I love snow!  I know this is not a shocker to anyone who knows me....I whine about the lack of snow most of the winter.  I miss that Montana snowy winter so much.  But today I have snow and I'm a happy girl!  It's not a good "go out and play" snow.  It's a blowing 35 miles an hour, stay indoors and do some crafts snow.  I'm good with that!  I'm gearing up for Valentines Day and I have several crafts lined up to do today.  I started to do some yesterday and kept getting side-tracked by everything and anything.  I'm not usually like that, but yesterday was one of those days.  Then my good friend Kim (Junk n Pretties....check out her link on the right) called from Joplin to let me know how crazy-busy she is getting ready for a show and I felt guilty and got all motivated and got a couple of things done.  I'll be sharing those crafts soon!  Thank you Kim!  You have no idea how much your call motivated me. Next time call earlier, please!!! 
In the mean time, I'll stay indoors and play and wait for another snow day that's fit to play outside in!  Here's a picture of last years double sled run (it's a long one) and my beautiful Grandchildren who came over to play. Don't they look happy not to be in school that day??!!

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